Bu örnek, GSM kalkanını yönetmek için sağlanan araçların bir parçasıdır ve modemin bağlandığı GSM bandını yönetmek için GSM Kütüphanesinin nasıl kullanılacağını gösterir.
Genel GSM bandı bilgileri için http://www.worldtimezone.com/gsm.html adresini ziyaret edin. Tipik bölgesel yapılandırmalar:
- Avrupa, Afrika, Orta Doğu: E-GSM (900) + DCS (1800)
- ABD, Kanada, Güney Amerika: GSM (850) + PCS (1900)
- Meksika: PCS (1900)
- Brezilya: GSM (850) + E-GSM (900) + DCS (1800) + PCS (1900)
Gerekli Donanım
- Arduino veya Genuino Kurulu
- Arduino + Telefonica GSM / GPRS Kalkanı
- SIM kart
This sketch, for the Arduino GSM shield, checks the band currently configured in the modem and allows you to change it.
Band Management
This sketch, for the Arduino GSM shield, checks the band
currently configured in the modem and allows you to change
Please check http://www.worldtimezone.com/gsm.html
Usual configurations:
Europe, Africa, Middle East: E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)
USA, Canada, South America: GSM(850)+PCS(1900)
Mexico: PCS(1900)
Brazil: GSM(850)+E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)+PCS(1900)
* GSM shield
created 12 June 2012
by Javier Zorzano, Scott Fitzgerald
This example is in the public domain.
// libraries
#include <GSM.h>
// initialize the library instance
GSMBand band;
void setup() {
// initialize serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
// Beginning the band manager restarts the modem
Serial.println("Restarting modem...");
Serial.println("Modem restarted.");
void loop() {
// Get current band
String bandName = band.getBand(); // Get and print band name
Serial.print("Current band:");
Serial.println("Want to change the band you’re on?");
String newBandName;
newBandName = askUser();
// Tell the user what we are about to do…
Serial.print("\nConfiguring band ");
// Change the band
bool operationSuccess;
operationSuccess = band.setBand(newBandName);
// Tell the user if the operation was OK
if (operationSuccess) {
} else {
Serial.println("Error while changing band");
if (operationSuccess) {
while (true);
// This function offers the user different options
// through the Serial interface
// The user selects one
String askUser() {
String newBand;
Serial.println("Select band:");
// Print the different options
Serial.println("1 : E-GSM(900)");
Serial.println("2 : DCS(1800)");
Serial.println("3 : PCS(1900)");
Serial.println("4 : E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800) ex: Europe");
Serial.println("5 : GSM(850)+PCS(1900) Ex: USA, South Am.");
Serial.println("6 : GSM(850)+E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)+PCS(1900)");
// Empty the incoming buffer
while (Serial.available()) {
// Wait for an answer, just look at the first character
while (!Serial.available());
char c = Serial.read();
if (c == '1') {
newBand = GSM_MODE_EGSM;
} else if (c == '2') {
newBand = GSM_MODE_DCS;
} else if (c == '3') {
newBand = GSM_MODE_PCS;
} else if (c == '4') {
} else if (c == '5') {
newBand = GSM_MODE_GSM850_PCS;
} else if (c == '6') {
} else {
return newBand;
Band Management
This sketch, for the Arduino GSM shield, checks the band
currently configured in the modem and allows you to change
Please check http://www.worldtimezone.com/gsm.html
Usual configurations:
Europe, Africa, Middle East: E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)
USA, Canada, South America: GSM(850)+PCS(1900)
Mexico: PCS(1900)
Brazil: GSM(850)+E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)+PCS(1900)
* GSM shield
created 12 June 2012
by Javier Zorzano, Scott Fitzgerald
This example is in the public domain.
// libraries
#include <GSM.h>
// initialize the library instance
GSMBand band;
void setup() {
// initialize serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
// Beginning the band manager restarts the modem
Serial.println("Restarting modem...");
Serial.println("Modem restarted.");
void loop() {
// Get current band
String bandName = band.getBand(); // Get and print band name
Serial.print("Current band:");
Serial.println("Want to change the band you’re on?");
String newBandName;
newBandName = askUser();
// Tell the user what we are about to do…
Serial.print("\nConfiguring band ");
// Change the band
bool operationSuccess;
operationSuccess = band.setBand(newBandName);
// Tell the user if the operation was OK
if (operationSuccess) {
} else {
Serial.println("Error while changing band");
if (operationSuccess) {
while (true);
// This function offers the user different options
// through the Serial interface
// The user selects one
String askUser() {
String newBand;
Serial.println("Select band:");
// Print the different options
Serial.println("1 : E-GSM(900)");
Serial.println("2 : DCS(1800)");
Serial.println("3 : PCS(1900)");
Serial.println("4 : E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800) ex: Europe");
Serial.println("5 : GSM(850)+PCS(1900) Ex: USA, South Am.");
Serial.println("6 : GSM(850)+E-GSM(900)+DCS(1800)+PCS(1900)");
// Empty the incoming buffer
while (Serial.available()) {
// Wait for an answer, just look at the first character
while (!Serial.available());
char c = Serial.read();
if (c == '1') {
newBand = GSM_MODE_EGSM;
} else if (c == '2') {
newBand = GSM_MODE_DCS;
} else if (c == '3') {
newBand = GSM_MODE_PCS;
} else if (c == '4') {
} else if (c == '5') {
newBand = GSM_MODE_GSM850_PCS;
} else if (c == '6') {
} else {
return newBand;
[Kodu Al]
See Also
- Arduino GSM Shield- Komple ürün açıklaması.
- Getting started with the GSM Shield- Her şeyi dakikalar içinde kurun.
- GSM library- GSM Kütüphanesi için referansınız.
- GSMToolsTestGPRS- Verilen APN ve kimlik bilgileriyle GPRS üzerinden internete erişmeye çalışır.
- GSMToolsGsmScanNetworks- Kullanılabilir ağları tarar ve IMEI ve SIM kart numarası hakkında bilgi yazdırır.
- GSMToolsPinManagement- PIN numarası nasıl değiştirilir veya kaldırılır.
- GSMToolsTestModem- GSM kalkanı modemin doğru çalışıp çalışmadığını test eder.
- GSMToolsTestWebServer- Hiçbir şeyi yanıtlamayan, ancak istemcinin isteğini ve sunucu IP adresini yazdıran basit bir web sunucusu.
- GSMExamplesMakeVoiceCall- Mikrofon ve hoparlör ile sesli arama nasıl yapılır.